We have concluded Part 2a of our 3 Part Process for Developing the Grid, which included public consultation days as well as a number of engagements with key stakeholders.
Feedback gathered from this consultation period, will help to shape our final plans for the project, in tandem with further environmental and technical studies. A further consultation period will follow once plans for the project are more developed.
The project is now in Part 2 of our 3 Part Process for Developing the Grid. Following the completion of Part 1, we are proposing to proceed with the preliminary preferred option, a new 275/110 kV transformer at Castlereagh Main substation; new substations at or near to Belfast North Main (off Whitla Street) and Belfast Central Main (off Little Patrick Street); a new high-capacity underground cable connecting Donegall Main (near Broadway roundabout) to Belfast North Main and Belfast Central Main.
During Part 2a we are obtaining feedback from key stakeholders regarding the proposed study area. The exact location of the new substation and cable will not be identified until the completion of Part 2 of the 3 Part Process for Developing the Grid.
During this part of the process, we will identify an exact location where the new substation will be built whilst continuing to engage with stakeholders using a range of consultation techniques, to enable them to have their say on the project.
We always consider how new projects may impact individuals and communities and we work hard to minimise this, where possible.
The following public consultation days are planned:
The MAC, Belfast – Wednesday 19th October 2022
The Four Winds, Castlereagh – Wednesday 26th October 2022
Part 2 of our 3 Part Process for Developing the Grid will begin later this year, with extensive consultation planned with communities, local businesses and other stakeholders.
During this part of the process, we will identify the exact locations where works will be happening, specific technology that will be used and will engage with stakeholders to enable them to have their say on the project.
This project has completed Part 1 of our 3 Part Process for Developing the Grid. Thank you to everyone who engaged with us during this stage of the consultation process.
At this stage we considered all potential technology solutions and identified a preliminary preferred option and affected area. During this phase we looked at the problem, the area, considered what technology could be used, how practical it is to deliver and how much it costs. We also engaged with a number of key stakeholder groups, like local councils and elected representatives so that we can better understand what matters to communities, landowners and businesses in the proposed area.
Our preliminary preferred option formed the basis of our submission to the Utility Regulator to secure funding. The project represents an investment of £39.5 million in the electricity grid. This was approved in June 2021 and allowed us to proceed into the next stages of our 3 Part Process for Developing the Grid.
SONI will only plan for a new grid infrastructure projects where we believe it to be absolutely necessary.
We have forecasted this specific need for Energising Belfast in our Transmission Development Plans for Northern Ireland.
You can find more information here.
In line with our Grid Development process.
We are at Part 1 of this process. During this part, we explore which technology will best resolve the specific need. In doing so, we will also learn more about the broad area where we are likely to locate new infrastructure
We then narrow down our list of potential solutions based on several fact-based, objective criteria. We assess the viability of the technology, how practical it is to deliver, and how much it costs.
Your opinions and feedback are important to us. We always consider how new projects may impact individuals and communities, and we work hard to minimise this, where possible.
We are currently at the early stages of project development and we aim to engage with the public on our plans in mid-2021.