Grid Link

When completed, this project will improve the security and reliability of the electricity supply to this region. It will also allow for greater use of renewable energy. 

March 2015

On 27 March 2015, EirGrid published Your Grid, Your Views, Your Tomorrow. This is a new draft strategy for the development of Ireland’s transmission grid.

You can read the document, and provide your comments and feedback here.

We undertook a fresh analysis of Grid Link when drafting this new strategy. This confirmed that the need for the Grid Link Project remains. However, we can now consider new ways to meet this need – due to three factors. These are: changes to demand forecasts, upgrades to existing lines and advances in technology.

Our initial proposal for Grid Link was a high voltage alternating current overhead line. We have now identified two new solutions for the Grid Link Project. The first uses underground cable technology. The second uses a technology called series compensation. This increases capacity on the grid using existing infrastructure.   

EirGrid is examining all the possible options for the Grid Link Project. We intend to make a submission to the Government’s Independent Expert Panel in Autumn 2015. 

December 2014

In January, EirGrid committed to a comprehensive review of our public consultation process. This was in response to criticisms we received during our last public consultation on the Grid Link Project.

We have now published this review. It includes two independent studies that we commissioned to assess our consultation process.

The review found that EirGrid’s approach to public consultation met European and international standards. However, it also sets out where we fell short of what people expected from us.

This review includes recommendations intended to enhance future public consultations. This includes the Grid Link Project.

These recommendations include:

  • Regional Discussion Forums chaired by an independent third party
  • A Consultation Toolkit. This will enable communities to take part more effectively in public consultation
  • A Complaints Procedure, a new Consultation Handbook, and related training for EirGrid staff.

We are also continuing to examine the best way to deliver Grid Link using alternatives to overhead line technology. 

Studies are underway to identify the best possible underground cable route and overhead line route for the Grid Link Project. We expect to be able to publish both of these options by mid-2015. 

The underground and overhead route options will then go out to public consultation. In doing so, we will clearly explain the advantages and disadvantages of both. 

The Independent Expert Panel will then review these options. This panel was set up Government to ensure that EirGrid assesses all project options in a fair and transparent manner.