SONI welcomes Northern Ireland offshore wind ambition

17 January 2023

SONI, the electricity transmission system operator for Northern Ireland, has welcomed the publication of a Statement of Intent by the Department for the Economy and the Crown Estate outlining their joint ambition for offshore renewable energy development in Northern Ireland.

The organisation, which ensures the balance between electricity supply and demand, says it has been actively supporting and will continue to support government, industry and wider partners to make these ambitions a reality and take another important step on Northern Ireland’s path to Net Zero.

Welcoming the publication of the Statement of Intent, SONI Managing Director Alan Campbell said:

“The evidence from other parts of the UK and further afield demonstrates the huge potential for offshore wind renewable energy development. Not only does offshore wind potentially increase our capacity to generate renewable energy, but it provides yet another source to diversify our growing renewable energy mix which is a core ambition of the Energy Strategy.”

“We know the challenge ahead for us in Northern Ireland is to double the amount of renewable energy currently connected to the grid by 2030 to enable our path to Net Zero, and as such SONI welcomes the publication of this Statement of Intent from the Department for the Economy and the Crown Estate as another important step on our journey.”

Supporting the collaborative approach set out in the Statement, Alan Campbell added:

“Northern Ireland’s electricity system is world-leading when it comes to the integration of renewable energy, and the collaborative approach taken by government, industry and others has been a key driver of the significant progress that has been made so far. The Statement rightly outlines some of the challenges that will need to be overcome, but SONI will continue to bring our knowledge, expertise and experience to work together to make these ambitions a reality.”