Short Circuit Driven Deep Reinforcement Associations (SCRs)

Short Circuit Reinforcements (SCRs) are important in connecting generators who have contracts with EirGrid.

They refer to transmission infrastructure or equipment which is to be replaced prior to the connection of a generator or demand customer and give information on planning and progress.

We publish updated information on SCRs regularly. The link below represents the latest list of Short Circuit Reinforcements (SCRs) related to connecting generators.

Q2 2015 SCR Website Update - published 31-Jul-15

Following a full review of SCRs by EirGrid, each customer received an updated Statement of SCRs associated with their generation project on the 20 June 2014. The Quarterly SCR Website Update lists the SCRs associated with generation projects and the latest status of those SCRs.

The Quarterly SCR Website Update should be read in conjunction with the latest Statement of SCRs for your generation project and shows the latest status on the completion date or scheduled completion date of each SCR as at the 30 June 2015. Any change to the scheduled completion date of a SCR in a subsequent Quarterly SCR Website Update will be highlighted in orange.  

If you expect to be in a position to connect before the scheduled completion date of the Short Circuit Reinforcements associated with your generation project, please contact us at