Gate 3


The Gate 3 Offer Project refers to the third round of connection offers issued to generators under the Group Processing Approach (GPA).

The Group Processing Approach allows for strategic processing of generation applications for grid connection and was introduced by the Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) in 2004. It allows applications to be processed by the System Operators (EirGrid and ESB Networks) in groups or batches known as ‘Gates’.

The scope is based on the CER’s decision papers CER/08/260 CER Direction on Criteria for Gate 3 Renewable Generator Offers and CER/09/191 Direction on Conventional Offer Issuance Criteria and Matters Related to Gate 3.

Status Update

EirGrid publishes the status of Transmission System Operator Gate 3 offers below.

Please note that this document will detail the status of projects connected to the transmission system only. 

TSO Gate 3 Status Report as published 18th June 2015‌

TSO Gate 3 Status Report as published 5th March 2015‌

TSO Gate 3 Status Report as published 19th November 2014

TSO Gate 3 Status Report as published 19th December 2013 

TSO Gate 3 Status Report as published 4th October 2013

TSO Gate 3 Status Report as published 20th September 2013  

TSO Gate 3 Status Report as published 9th September 2013

TSO Gate 3 Status Report as published 26th August 2013

TSO Gate 3 Status Report as published 9th August 2013

TSO Gate 3 Status Report as published 26th July 2013  

TSO Gate 3 Status Report as published 11th July 2013  

TSO Gate 3 Status Report as published 20th June 2013

Connected and Contracted Generators - Ireland

EirGrid regularly publishes a list of generators in Ireland who have been part of the “gate” group processing system. These include generators who have connected to the transmission system and those who have signed agreements to connect (known as ‘contracted’ generators).

The following documents provide information on wind farms and other generators in Ireland where they have connected to the transmission system operated by EirGrid or have signed contracts with us. The wind farms here are larger ones in terms of generating capacity.

Please note that while every effort is made to ensure that the connected and contracted information is correct at the time of posting, it is subject to regular change.

Wind Farms

Connected TSO Wind Farms 18 Sept 2015

Contracted TSO Wind Farms 18 Sept 2015

Other Types of Generators

Connected TSO (Non Wind) Generators 18 Sept 2015‌

Contracted TSO (Non Wind) Generators 18 Sept 2015

ESB Networks, as the Distribution System Operator (DSO), publishes lists for generation which is connected to, or contracted to connect to the distribution system.  A link to the relevant page on the ESB Networks website for distribution information can be found here.

Key Terms

CHP: Combined Heat and Power

DO: Distillate Oil

HFO: Heavy Fuel Oil

LFG: Land Fill Gas

OCGT: Open Cycle Gas Turbines

MEC: Maximum Export Capacity

Connected: Generator energised and permitted to export

Contracted: Has a signed connection agreement in place but has not yet energised for TSO