Energy Identification (EIC) Codes

A new system of energy identification codes (EIC) has been introduced across the European Union. It is for wholesale market participants or other bodies which are active in the European Energy Market, such as power stations, suppliers or large users of energy.

ENTSO-E (the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity) has been given the role of developing, operating and maintaining the system.

ENTSO- E acts as the Central Issuing Office for Energy Identification Codes across Europe.

In Ireland EirGrid manages the Local Issuing Office for these Energy Codes. ENTSO-E has assigned the Irish Local Issuing Office the Office Code "47". All EICs issued by EirGrid as the Local Issuing Office begin with this office code.To view our frequently asked questions about EIC click here.

Energy Identification Codes are only applicable in the wholesale energy sector and are not connected to locational codes in any way.

How do I get allocated a code?

Step 1: If you are a wholesale energy market participant, send us a request for registration of new codes, modification or de-activation of existing EIC Codes using the request form here - EIC Request Form. Please take care to ensure that all information provided is correct. For Electricity and Gas EIC Codes, the contact point is

Step 2: We will process and validate the request form, consulting the Central Issuing Office (CIO) for International codes.

Step 3: An EIC code will be allocated by EirGrid as the Local Issuing Office and a notification of the new code will be sent via email. The code will be published on our website, and on the central issuing website if the code is an international code.

The full list of EIC Codes can be found below:

EIC Code List - PDF Version

‌EIC Code List - Excel Version

Please note that only EIC codes published in the Central or Local Issuing Office  websites are to be considered as valid EIC codes. EirGrid, as the Local Issuing Office assume no responsibility or liability for the accuracy and the completeness of the information provided by an entity requesting an EIC code. In no event shall a Local Issuing Office be liable for any damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, general, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of any inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information provided by an entity requesting an EIC code.